ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA - 386-299-6157

The American Lung Association (ALA) suggests that salt therapy

may offer relief to certain COPD symptoms

by thinning mucus and making it easier to cough up.


A recent study of 35 COPD patients using a dry salt inhaler revealed significant improvement in the six-minute walk test and demonstrated an improvement in quality of life, as reported on the Saint George Respiratory Questionnaire.

The study concluded that, while there don’t seem to be adverse effects to using a salt inhaler, further studies are warranted to exclude a placebo effect.

Several clinical trials have revealed the benefits of salt therapy for:

  • 85 percent of mild and moderate asthma cases
  • 75 percent of severe asthma cases
  • 97 percent of chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis cases

The Salt Cave, a clinic in the United Kingdom, specializes in salt therapy. One client with COPD reports a much better quality of life following salt therapy.

“The Salt Cave changed my life. Before my first visit, I was on lots of antibiotics and steroids, basically confined to my house, and I hated being around people because my breathing was so noisy. However, this has now changed thanks to Salt Therapy. The Salt Cave lets me live again and manage my illness in a way that means I can enjoy life again. I feel high on life when I walk out of The Salt Cave. I call it my heaven on earth.”

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